November 30, 2019

November In The Bird Room --- Month by Month Journal

November was a busy month... on the ranch, so the bird room was given a once-a-day service.  Actually, that is a great thing, as I was not tempted to give them luxury care... and as the natural daylength continued to shorten, the room temperature dropped, and their diet remained on a basic seed diet.
I did continue the Ioford/DufoPlus combo in their water weekly.
     Instead of ordering seed and supplies for the next breeding season, I ordered new BIRDS!  :D
    OH, I am excited about next year!
     I had some LOVELY youngsters this year!  BUT, I ended up with more males than hens.  At first, I was planning to simply hold some over until next year when I would have more young hens.  Then I decided to order a few hens!
     I have spent the past two months observing my American Singers and other canaries.... taking notes and comparing hatch records for the past two years. I made plans and set goals.
     THEN I contacted Ed Medrano for new stock. (Listed in the Breeder Referral List on the American Singer Club website.)

     The birds arrived on a very frosty below zero morning, but settled in well. Most of this video is of their 'bath-time' antics.
     I loved the look of Ed's birds so much, I ordered a second box!  :)

November 10, 2019

New Links To Good Canary Information

I keep adding new links to the list of good canary links!
I found several of the older links led to 'Page Not Found' errors. Sorry!
If the website had good information, I am looking for the website on the Internet Archive, and adding the link to the archived pages!  😍  I have MOST of the links updated!

Latest NEW link:
Here is one of my favorites,
the 2013 Gouden Ring Cage Bird Show!
Watch if you are unable to attend
the 2019 National Cage Bird Show in St. Charles, Illinois!
Don't forget these important topics:
List of Links to Pages of Canary Information