August 31, 2020

June, July and August In The Bird Room --- Month By Month Journal

The past three months have flown by so fast.  Sorry, I haven't kept up to date on this Bird Room Journal!
Breeding went well, and I ended up with 100+ chicks. 
There are many absolutely beautiful youngsters!

I also have a NEW BIRD AREA!
Here are several photos as it looked in June.... before it housed any birds!

I have not MOVED the Bird Room, simply added MORE CAGES so everything will have more elbow room!
This second area will be used as space for youngsters, and an area for my keeping adult hens.  This will also be the area for any color bred birds with song habits I do not want in the Bird Room with my young impressionable males.  :)

I also learned something very important!  I will include a book review of a newly printed book, and a blog post about how I came to my NEW UNDERSTANDING of my breeding goals of the future. 😎