May 13, 2021

Breeding Season 2021 is Well Underway!

There are nests of little chicks hatching all around the bird room!  So far, most pairs are producing fertile eggs, hatching normally, and seem to be feeding well. 
I set a small group of hens in early April and a second larger group the very end of April, which are hatching this week.  A third group of hens are due to hatch next week.  A fourth small number of hens are building nests, or beginning to lay eggs.

For 2021, I have roughly 31 hens, most of which are set up as pairs with a male.  Most are birds of my own raising.  There are 13 American Singer pairs, 3 Fife hens, 6 pairs of the Thompson line of yellows, 1 pair of bronzes, and 8 agate or opal hens. 

For the past 8 months I have worried about some way to keep my total numbers down.  I had too many birds last year... too many pairs, and too many youngsters.  Oh, I had FUN!  And I raised so many really NICE youngsters!

I proved several theories about the various families in my bird room.  Plus, I met some wonderful people as I sold my extras last fall and this spring!  But, I did not have as much time for leisurely observation of the birds, seated in a rocker in the bird room, and sipping a coffee drink!  

My goal is to maintain approx 20 pairs, with only a little wiggle room for extras!  :)
At the moment, I have no idea how to drop approximately one third of my plans!

But that problem can be postponed until later this summer!  :)